About Us
Communities that flourish in business, culture, history and spirit. We work together to improve our future and to move Hagerman, and Chaves County, forward.
To improve the communities of Chaves County through inter-agency and individual cooperation.
Development of a sustainable entrepreneurial economy
Coordinating training programs to help residents and students learn skills needed in a changing economy.
Guiding residents in the specifics of starting and maintaining small businesses.
Incubating fledgling businesses during their growth, especially to employ residents.
Pursuing funding of projects to revitalize the economy.
Coordination of access to affordable and safe housing
Encouraging developers and investors to build or renovate affordable housing.
Acquiring, removing or rehabilitating property that has become blighted or dangerous.
Securing funding or volunteers for residents to improve their homes and remedy code issues.
Assisting residents to receive grants, especially the elderly and impoverished, to remedy safety and sanitation issues in their homes.
Preservation of culture, history and community and strengthening of families
Supporting community cultural celebrations such as Hagerman Old Timers' Day.
Improving children's well-being by helping to lessen the effect that adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) have.
Providing access to educational programs and performances.
Our Story
HagermanForward was started in 2010 as a charitable organization to assist Chaves County and the residents of Hagerman, NM through donations, education, direct services, and volunteers. We welcome your requests as well as your donations of time, money, and material. HagermanForward was granted 501(c)(3) status by the IRS in 2011, so your contributions are tax deductible.
D-U-N-S: 96-192-5323
EIN: 27-1406048
Post Office Box Z
Hagerman, NM 88232
Telephone and text (575) 420-3243